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हिन्दी में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें.

Dear Visitor,

Heartily Thanks for your visit !

As you know that AYURVED has became very helpful for human health today. There are several benifits of ayurvedic treatment. So, everyone should know about AYURVED.

Gurukripa Aayurved is trying to solve everyone's any kind of health problem. If you have any health problem and want to know about anything, then please contact us. Your identity will kept secret. If you also have treatment method, more knowledge about Ayurvedic Treatment and medicines, or anything about Ayurved, Please send us your item at following ID. We will publish your item with your name.

Once again heartily Thanks for your visit !
Best Wishes,

Yours Sincerely,
Dr. Pankaj Solanki (Ayurved Shiromani)
Gurukripa Ayurved and Tantra Centre,
Darjiwara, Badher Chowk,
City - Bilara,  Dist. - Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
PIN - 342602
Contact : +91-9829697929,  +91-8058351526

हिन्दी में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें.